Shira Presenter has been updated with the following features.

- Added new CGI shader effects.

- The web-based remote management tool has been updated.  Added Shader Content management interface.


Shira Dome Console new version, which works integrated with Shira Presenter, has been updated with the following features

- 4K console screen compatibility provided

- Traveling to basic celestial objects has become easier with the Basic Target screen.

Mr.Vivek from Adiraa International Company visited our Bursa office as our new India region distributor in the April 2024. We discussed what we could do together.
Thank's to him for this kindly visit.


Shira Player, which works integrated with Shira Presenter, has been updated with the following features:

- 4K console screen compatibility provided

- All screen styles have been updated with a dark black theme like other Shira products.
- The remote control tool has been redeveloped to be web-based.
- The Shira Presenter package was placed in the installation package to provide fish-eye projector output.

Delta Planetarium installed a 4K single-projector fish-eye projection system in Plonsk City Planetarium, Poland.
Shira Universe and Shira Presenter started to be used in the system.


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