Shira Universe 3.9.1
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In this version, while the performance and some features of Shira Universe were improved, some bug fixes were also made.
- In the cubemap process, which is technically used to create a fisheye image, 4 cameras are used instead of 5, thereby increasing the FPS.
- Tahoma font was used as the Standard font set for dome texts.
- Added mouse tracking and information display feature of celestial objects in Landing mode.
- The information display window has a more modern look and smoother operation with dome mouse.
- Added the ability to change the text colors of objects in Sky manager.
- It has been ensured that hidden objects will not display information.
- Fixed star text names colors for Landing and Take off mode
- Fixed white screen issue on "Proper Position" star mode.
- Fixed the issue where some planet surface textures were not visible in high resolution texture mode.
- Fixed Data2Dome feeds issue.
- Fixed the problem with "Spherical Projector" projection setup.
Hickory Environmental Education Center, Accident, USA
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US distributor FreeFall Tech, LLC has upgraded Hickory Environmental Education Center's 9.1 meter planetarium system to use Shira Universe. Congratulations FrefallTech and Hickory Education Center..
Bialystok University Planetarium, Bialystok,Poland
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In the observatory and planetarium project prepared by Professor of Astronomy Marek Nikolajuk from Bialystok University with the work of Delta Technologie AV, Shira Presenter and Shira Universe started to be used. Congratulations and success. The planetarium system contains 2 projectors placed in the center and "Vioso anyblend" was used as the calibration software.
Shira Universe 3.9
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As another innovation, the "Anchor to Planet Surface" mode has been added.
Before you had this feature, when watching from outside to the planets the camera image was taken from a fixed point far from the center of the planet. With the Anchor to Planet surface feature, any latitude and longitude point on the planet is referenced for camera placement. Thus, when the time flow is accelerated, the seasonal effect of the sun on the planet can be observed.
Shira Universe 3.8.7
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