Here is the batch solution application especially for fixed planetariums. "Shira Presenter" 8K Fulldome Player and "OpenSpace" Space Engine (MIT Licensed) were combined under a single program. 

Shira Dome Console !!!!

Shira Presenter included an excellent media playback infrastructure. This excellence is combined with OpenSpace's excellent control base. No code changes were made in the OpenSpace program. New features have been added for planetarium use thanks to the asset development and addition feature.
Shira Dome Console works in online mode by default. So a live internet connection is required.  When the program is run for the first time, approximately 6 GB of OpenSpace data will be downloaded.
It takes between 30-60 minutes depending on the internet speed.
Here are the key features of the Shira Dome Console software
Software package contents
* OpenSpace version 0.18.1
* Shira Presenter version 1.6
 Overview Images from Shira Dome Console

Console Screen Tabsheets

Open Space TabSheet 

Thanks to the new assets added to OpenSpace, Landscape mode feature was created
- Compass directions were added
- Panoramic Landscape selection was provided
- Altitude-Azimuth grid feature was added
Console Display Settings
- Added Landing/Take Off feature
- Added basic buttons for planetarium view settings.
- At the same time, detailed settings of related sky objects were made on this screen.
- It has been made possible to determine the target object from within the setting screens. 
 DateTime Location Settings
- Live, zoomable map view in online mode and location selection screen with Fly and Pan feature support.
- Easy timing with controls to set simulation time and speed. 


Shira Presenter TabSheet 

Shira Presenter works fully integrated with Shira Dome Console. Flat and fulldome video does its job as an audio player.
At the same time, projector output is provided with Shira Presenter.
The Display Settings screen has two buttons that regulate the relationship between OpenSpace and ShiraPresenter.


"Disable Master Render" Button

When Shira Presenter is fed from another media source, the computer's display processor
OpenSpace engine is stopped with this button to increase its performance. This button must be clicked again before or after you want to switch back to the OpenSpace view.

Data2Dome TabSheet


Data2Dome is an effort of the European Southern Observatory (ESO;
It uses a content distribution and publishing standard aimed at bringing astronomy data seamlessly into planetarium systems real-time.
(IPS web page -
Data2Dome object selected in Shira Dome Console is sent online (without download) to Shira Presenter and presented.

Script Manager TabSheet

Shira Dome Console Script Manager is compatible with Javascript based scripts. All OpenSpace Lua script commands are ported as Javascript.
See OpenSpace Lua script commands reference. File system in "/ShiraConsole/Packages/OpenSpace/documentation/index.html"

Full version package can be downloaded from the download area. Click 

Change Log

2024.05.20 Version 2.5 is released

  • - 4K console screen compatibility provided
  • - Traveling to basic celestial objects has become easier with the Basic Target screen.
  • - All screen styles have been updated with a dark black theme
  • - Updated with Shira Presenter 2.1 version
  • - Updated web remote control interface

2023.04.08 Version 2.0 is released

  • - High resolution Tully pictures catalog
  • - Extra 2 different constellation colored artistic pictures (Hevelius and Western Color)
  • - Comets and Asteroids controls
  • - Information windows about Property and Objects
  • - Easy access to predefined objects (like Messier catalogue, Orion, Pleiades) with Bookmark window.The possibility of the user to create their own bookmarks
  • - Shortcuts for flight to universe scales with scale buttons.
  • - High-Resolution and Color Shaded controls for planets
  • - Possibility to activate other OpenSpace profiles with Profile&Mission
  • - Precise recording and playback capability by adding OpenSpace Recording tool to Script Manager
  • - Multi-language support has been created for the console (English and Turkish for now)
  • - Upgraded to Shira Presenter 1.6 release pack.
  • - The first version of the user book was created.

2022.12.25 Version 1.1 is released

2022.09.11 First Version 1.0 is released.

System Requirements

OS : Windows 7 and later
CPU : Intel I7, Ram : 16 GB
Display Card : NVIDIA Quadro or GeForce VRam: 4GB

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