Script Recorder Feature

New feature "Script Recorder" is added to "Shira Universe". Now, with this feature you can create your own planetarium show to play again and again. All console commands, preview screen mouse & keyboard commands can be saved as script commands. 


Please watch video below how to use "Script Recorder" feature.

Another development and fixes

The Brazilian distributor Fulldome Planetarios PRODUÇOES CEO Mr.Jose Carlos Rocha has visited Sureyyasoft at head office in Bursa Turkiye in April.

We worked together about Shira Series software and Vioso calibration system.
Thank's to him for this kindly visit.



Star Proper Motion script was added to "Favorites".

In this script date-time start from BC 100.000 to end AD 100.000 . Simulate star movement in this time periods. This request was made by Mr. Osamu Kato Altair LLC.


You can find information about "Proper Motion" from below link


Fixed bug list below...

New great feature : "Presentation Builder"

Now, you may create your own planetarium program with "Presentation Builder" feature as simple as Microsoft ® Power Point Presentation. Every presentations can include one and more slide pages. Every slides can include more and more presentation items like Flat images, backgrounds, flat movies, sounds, dome-master clip or custom scripts. Also you may convert each slides into script documentation and can edit manually before run. The Presentation Builder opinion owner was Mr. Emanuel Zueger from Vioso Gmbh. 

Sample Presentation Create and Run Video.

Another development and bug fixes.

I visited projector mapping partner Vioso Gmbh company Dusseldorf Germany main office in March. Worked with Mr.Emanuel Zueger over calibration settings and some performance issues. They have test dome and screens with 12 projector single computer special hardware setup. It can do advanced benchmarking. ShiraPlayer and Shira Universe can work on this system in two different ways.

  • One of them uses only vioso calibration system for each projector outputs.
  • Second one uses Vioso Anyblend driver that merges 12 display output as one. It can be used as second monitor with classical Shira Player or Shira Universe single fisheye output projection.

I can say that the second way has more performance from the first.

Shira Player working on Vioso 12 projector test dome

Vioso Calibrator sample screen


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